“Top-down” isn’t just for convertibles anymore – it’s for business aviation safety, too.
Insuring aviation safety starts at the top, with your uncompromising commitment to continuing safety education throughout your flight operation. That keeps your personnel appraised of the latest and best in evolving safety management systems.
Listen to Air Charter Safety Foundation president Bryan Burns and chairman Robert Rufli as they describe what your aviation manager will learn at the 2022 ACSF Safety Symposium this April 5 & 6. This annual educational forum will be held at the Embry-Riddle Aviation University campus in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Safety experts will discuss current and emerging challenges, as well as how to create safety resources, tools, and programs needed to ensure your flight safety.
When there’s more to be said than space and copy deadlines allow, you can rely on the Business Aviation Advisor “Above and Beyond” podcast series to get you the information you need, enabling you to make the most of your aviation investments.
Publisher of Business Aviation Advisor, has nearly 50 years in business aviation including executive positions at aircraft management/charter and ground services companies. He is a past director of the NATA and Corporate Angel Network.